Germalin house pets
Animals also have rights to justice. If any person kills without animal owner's permission, then the killer would go to the prison.
Animals can provide joy and companionship. Animals can also provide emotional support to people with mental health concerns.
Dogs are found to be very wise and joyous animals in the whole world. They are the most common type of emotional support. Other animals also quit as well.
Dogs have one also that quality if they live with you the atmosphere of your surroundings will be positive like also happens with cats.
Psychologically proven if dogs stay long with their owner they naturally behave like their owner. If the owner always seems sad, lazy it may happen with dogs as well.
So, animals are not a show piece of your house, they are alive to play with them, feed them and talk with them. If you give 1% effort towards them, they give 99%.
Elephants 🐘 also have emotions in Southern India people use them like pets because of elephants their houses daily livelihood. But, some villages used them also as feeling less.
Sometimes they feel your emotion and they do nothing and sit beside you to allow you to not be alone. They protect you. In the news I saw a dog protect 14 year girl from a gang rape. It bites the rapper's leg, the rapper beats him with a hammer, but the dog doesn’t give up and protects that girl. Then, people come and call the cops, rappers get caught and both dogs and girls are saved. But, Dog was injured and at least he’s alive.
So, dogs and other animals all behave the same as you behave with them. But, sometimes they never bite you, but you throw rocks at them. Don’t do that.
It's easy to say that animals can help make people calmer, happier, and even more fulfilled. They need care, they never ask for money, just a piece of grain will fulfill their empty stomach.
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